ministry directory

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Carla Kallen 949-493-6181

Altar Server Coordinator Irma Castro 949-234-1362

Baptism Ministry Natalie Espada 949-234-1371

Choir Matt Gray 949-234-1393

Cornerstone Bible Study Mary Ann Strindberg 949-240-5924

Cornerstone Bible Study Rick Tysdal  949-310-3304

Cursillo Amy Jane Frater 949-338-9952 or 714-269-8900

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Julian Ramos 949-234-1362

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

     to the Sick and Homebound Cyndie Williams 949-254-2727

Family Faith Formation Natalie Espada 949-234-1371

Health Ministry Anne O’Sullivan 949-488-2377

High School Confirmation Program Matt Cereghino 949-234-1329

Ignite Young Adults Gia Chacon 949-278-0810

Knights of Columbus Shane Stafford

Knitting/Crocheting Senior Support Christina Puga 949-234-1356

Lector Coordinator Rick Wittenauer 949-632-7438

Liturgy of the Word for Children Natalie Espada  949-234-1371

Marriage Encounter Cindy & Angel Gambione 714-651-4116

Men’s Fellowship John Schreiner 949-922-9377

Ministry for Widows - Walking in Hope Robin Griffin

Music Ministry Matt Gray 949-234-1393

Natural Family Planning Maria & John O’Connor 949-246-5434

Outreach Ministry Christina Puga 949-234-1356

Rosary Prayer Group 949-234-1360

Sacristan Coordinator Don Heffern 949-310-7887

Secular Franciscans Cyndie Williams 949-254-2727

Serra’s Pantry & Outreach Christina Puga 949-234-1356

Stewardship Rick Tysdal 949-310-3304

OCIA (Christian Initiation for Adults) Irma Castro 949-234-1362

OCIA Sponsor Ministry Irma Castro 949-234-1362

Pro-Life Ministry Mike & Joline Kanda 949-364-3486

Walking with Moms Jim Iacometti 949-295-7249

Weddings Aralu Moreno 949-234-1317

Youth Ministry Matt Cereghino 949-234-1329