Registration FOR THE YEAR will open soon


We thank you for choosing our Parish community as your family's faith home!

We will catechize your entire family.

Here is what your family’s formation will be like:

• Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation will take place at home, as a family. We will hold monthly meetings to monitor progress, provide guidance and resources, and answer questions.

• Our office will provide you with all the resources that you need. The programs we use are Alive in Christ and Faith Fusion. These programs provide all the tools for Faith Formation at every grade level from elementary through middle school grades. Visit Alive in Christ and Our Sunday Visitor for more information.

• Mass is part of your family’s formation. You can either attend in person, or online. Journals will be provided for you family to reflect upon each Sunday scripture and homily. There will be weekly sign-in sheets in the Basilica for attendance.

• Your family will receive continuous support of our Faith Formation staff and volunteers.

We offer the following paths:

  • Preparation for First Communion and First Penance (2 years)
  • Christian Initiation: for people over the age of 7 who haven't been baptized, or those in high school who are seeking BOTH First Communion and Confirmation. 
  • Continuing Formation: From Pre-K to 8th Grade, regardless of sacramental status.

The new season begins in the Spring.  Please check back again.  Thank you!

faith formation

Mission Basilica Parish offers Faith Formation for children from preschool through eighth grade.  Our office also offers preparation for the sacraments of initiation, and the Sacrament of Confession/Penance

For registration, questions, and/or assistance, please call Natalie Espada 949-234-1371.

Our department is dedicated to upholding the U.S. Bishop’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please click below for detailed information:

Office of Child and Youth Protection

liturgy of the word for children

9 am Mass in English, 1 pm Mass in Spanish

The Family Gospel Reflection in the Sunday Bulletin.

Liturgy of the Word for Children provides an opportunity for children to listen and reflect on the Sunday scripture readings each week. Children are dismissed from the main assembly and gather in the Youth Room of the Pastoral Center. The gospel and readings are proclaimed from the Lectionary for Masses with Children, guided by an adult leader. For more information or if you are interested in becoming a leader, please call 949-234-1360.